










① 卵白アルブミン(ovalbumin:OVA)モデル
 気道炎症や気道過敏性の成立メカニズムは大変複雑で,まだわかっていない点も多くあります。当研究室は,これまでにエフェクター(CD8)T細胞,HGF,ロイコトリエンB4(LTB4),終末糖化産物受容体(RAGE)などが気道炎症,気道過敏性に重要な役割を果たしていることを報告してきました [1-9]。
 最近では,当大学薬学部(岡山大学大学院 合成医薬品開発学分野 准教授)の加来田博貴先生らのグループとの共同研究により,新規RXRパーシャルアゴニスト(NEt-4IB:6-[ethyl-(4-isobutoxy-3-isopropylphenyl)amino]pyridine-3-carboxylic acid)が気道過敏性及びTh2気道炎症を優位に抑制することを見出しました[10]。今後,難治性喘息に対する新たな治療薬の候補となることが期待されます。


ダニ(house dust mite: HDM)モデル
 ダニの中でもチリダニ(house dust mite:HDM)は家屋内に最も多く生息する種類であり,ヒトの喘息のアレルゲンとして重要です。喘息のマウスモデルとしてHDMに対して感作・暴露させたものが多くの実験で用いられるようになり,当研究室でもHDMモデルを確立しました。HDMの点鼻投与(または気管内投与)により経気道的感作・曝露を行うことにより作製します。
 2019年には神経ペプチドY(neuropeptide Y:NPY)の免疫系に対する作用に着目し,,HDMモデルにおけるNPYの役割を検討し,NPYがTh2サイトカインを介して喘息の病態に関わっていることおよびNPY受容体(Y1受容体)拮抗薬の治療効果について報告しました[11]。




④ 喘息・COPDオーバーラップ症候群(ACOS)モデル




 COPDは非可逆的な気流閉塞に特徴づけられる呼吸器疾患で,原因として喫煙,大気汚染などが指摘されています。我が国において約530万人が罹患していると推計されており(2001年,NICE study),2017年には年間18,523人が命を落としています。禁煙,抗コリン薬に代表される気管支拡張薬,リハビリテーションなどで治療しますが,根治的な治療法は確立しておらず,一度破壊された肺胞構造を元に戻すことはできません。また禁煙後も肺胞構造の破壊が進行していくことが報告されており,未解明の部分がいまだ多い疾患です。



 マウスなどに豚膵エラスターゼであるPPE(porcine pancreatic peptide: PPE)を経気管的に投与することにより作製します。1回のPPE投与後3週間で強い気腫化が誘導されます。私たちは主にこのモデルを用いることにより,これまでにIL-17やIL-23,終末糖化産物受容体(receptor of advanced glycation end product: RAGE)がCOPDにおける気道炎症や気腫化の機序に重要な役割を果たしていることや抗体治療として臨床応用の可能性を報告しています[15-17]。



②タバコ抽出液(cigarette smoke extract:CSE)モデル














・ 特発性器質化肺炎におけるIPAFの頻度および臨床像の検討


・ ピルフェニドン治療にもかかわらず進行した特発性肺線維症患者におけるピルフェニドン継続使用に関する後ろ向き検討





[1] Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2001,15;164:2229-38
[2] J Immunol.2002,15;169:4190-7
[3] J Immunol.2004,172:2549-58
[4] Nature Med.2004,10:865-9
[5] Allergy. 2007,62:415-22
[6] Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2008,145: 324-39
[7] Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2009,40:672-82
[8] Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2011,45:851-7
[9] Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2015,309: L789-800
[10] Respir Res 2017,18:23
[11] Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2019,316:L407-17
[12] Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2006,35:366-77
[13] Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2005,32:268-80
[14] Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2014;50:18-29
[15] Respir Res 2013,20;14:5
[16] Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2015,52:482-91
[17] Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2016,55:697-707
[18] Respir Res 2019;20:2



1.  Protective effects of neuropeptide Y against elastase-induced pulmonary emphysema. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. in press

2.  Essential role of IL-23 in the development of acute exacerbation of pulmonary fibrosis Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol.2021;321:L925-L94

3. Loss of IL-33 enhances elastase-induced and cigarette smoke extract-induced emphysema in mice. Respir Res. 2021;22:150. doi: 10.1186/s12931

4. The effects of inhaling hydrogen gas on macrophage polarization, fibrosis, and lung function in mice with bleomycin-induced lung injury. BMC Pulm Med. 2021;21:339

5. The heterodimer complex composed of S100A8 and S100A9 are potent therapeutic targets for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Journal of Molecular Medicine 2021;99(1):131-145.

6. Reactive Oxygen Species and Antioxidative Defense in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Antioxidants (Basel). 2021;10(10):1537

7.  Nintedanib can be used safely and effectively for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis with predicted forced vital capacity ≤ 50%: A multi-center retrospective analysis. PLoS One. 2020;15(8):e0236935

8. Deterioration of high-resolution computed tomography findings predicts disease progression after initial decline in forced vital capacity in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients treated with pirfenidone. Respir Investig 2020;58:185-189.

9. Managing Lung Cancer with Comorbid Interstitial Pneumonia. Intern Med. 2020 Jan 15;59(2):163-167

10. Solitary pulmonary nodules caused by Mycobacterium avium complex. Respir Investig 2019;57(6):566-573.

11. A retinoid X receptor partial agonist attenuates pulmonary emphysema and airway inflammation. Respir Res. 2019;20(1):2.

12. Requirement for neuropeptide Y in the development of type-2 responses and allergen-induced airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2019;316(3):L407-L417

13. Cause of pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Respiratory Investigation 2019;57(4):321-324

14. Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency. Human Pathobiochemistry. From Clinical Studies to Medical Mechanisms. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. p169-177, 2019

15. Severe asthma concomitant with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis successfully treated with mepolizumab. Allergol Int. 2018;67(4):521-52

16. Clinical characteristics of Japanese candidates for lung transplant for interstitial lung disease and risk factors for early death while on the waiting list. Respir Investig. 2017;55(4):264-269.

17. Lavender essential oil and its main constituents inhibit expression of TNF-α-induced cell adhesion molecules in endothelial cells. Acta Med Okayama 2017;71(6):493-503.

18. Protective Effects of Bisoprolol Against Acute Exacerbation in Moderate-to-Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Acta Med Okayama 2017;71(5):453-457.

19. Long-term effects of beta-blocker use on lung function in Japanese patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Int J COPD. 2017;12:1119-1124

20. Effect of a retinoid X receptor partial agonist on airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness in a murine model of asthma. Respir Res. 2017;18:23

21. IL-23 is essential for the development of elastase-induced pulmonary inflammation and emphysema. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2016;55:697-707 

22. Immunomodulatory Effects of Ambroxol on Airway Hyperresponsiveness and Inflammation. Immune Netw. (3):165-75. 2016

23. Contrasting Roles for the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-Products on Structural Cells in Allergic Airway Inflammation versus Airway Hyperresponsiveness. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 309(8):L789-800, 2015

24. Emphysema requires the receptor for advanced glycation end products triggering on structural cells. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 52(4):482-91, 2015.

25. Effect of a cysteinyl leukotriene receptor antagonist on experimental emphysema and asthma combined with emphysema. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 50(1):18-29, 2014.

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27. Inhibition of neutroil elastase attenuates airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation in a mouse model of secondary allergen challenge: neutroil elastase inhibition attenuates allergic airway responses. Respir Res.14(1):8, 2013.

28. IL-17A is essential to the development of elastase-induced pulmonary inflammation and emphysema in mice. Respir Res. 14(1):5 , 2013.

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30. Blocking the leukotriene B4 receptor 1 inhibits late ase airway responses in established disease. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 45:851-7, 2011.

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41. Evidence That CD8+ Dendritic Cells Enable the Development of gamma-delta T Cells That Modulate Airway Hyperresponsiveness. J Immunol. 181:309-19, 2008.

42. Plasticity of regulatory T cells: subversion of suppressive function and conversion to enhancement of lung allergic responses. J Immunol. 180:7117-24, 2008.

43. Corticosteroids Enhance CD8+ T Cell-Mediated Airway Hyperresponsiveness and Allergic Inflammation by Upregulating Leukotriene B4 Receptor-1. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 121:864-71, 2008.

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45. Estrogen determines gender differences in airway responsiveness after allergen exposure. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 38:501-8, 2008.

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47. IFN-gamma production during initial infection determines the outcome of re-infection with RSV. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 177:208-18, 2007.

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51. IL-10-treated dendritic cells decrease airway hyperresponsiveness and airway inflammation. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 119:1241-50, 2007.

52. Arhgef1 is Required by T Cells for the Development of Airway Hyperreactivity and Inflammation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 176:10-9, 2007.

53. Naturally-Occurring Lung CD4+CD25+ T-Cell Regulation of Airway Allergic Responses Depends on IL-10 Induction of TGF-beta. J Immunol. 178:1433-42, 2007.  

54. Critical role of the Fc receptor gamma-chain on APCs in the development of allergen-induced airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation. J Immunol. 178:480-8, 2007.

55. IL-2 and IL-18 attenuation of airway hyperresponsiveness requires STAT4, IFN-gamma, and natural killer cells. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 36:324-32, 2007.

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60. Syk Activation in Dendritic Cells is Essential for Airway Hyperresponsiveness and Inflammation. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 34:426-33, 2006.

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